Video credit: iART ag, Music: Victor Moser, In collaboration with the Chair of Cognitive Science, ETH Zurich and the SCDH, Switzerland

Linking Cognition and Architecture: Co-Designing with Evidence for Human-Centred  Healthcare Environments


When? March 9th, 2023 

Where?  Swiss Center for Design and Health in Nidau 

The event is free of charge. Registration is mandatory.

 This event will showcase the teaching and research at ETH Zurich in the area of evidence-based design for human-centred healthcare environments. During the event, you will have the unique opportunity to experience the impact of architecture on healthcare through 1:1 scale projections of hospital floor plans analysed for various human-centred metrics and showcasing real-world behaviour patterns of caregivers in healthcare environments. The projections will include visualisations of caregivers walking patterns, their interactions with one another and visual analytics of the space concerning patients' outdoor view and intervisibility between spaces to name a few. The projections will serve as the backdrop for role-playing scenarios where attendees can 'walk' within the projected spaces and compare their intuition with the visual analytics generated through on site observations in real world healthcare environments.

5:00 PM | Welcome and Introduction

5:20 PM | Student Presentations

5:50 PM | Research presentation

6:10 PM | Coffee break

6:30 PM | Role playing simulations

8:00 PM | Networking Reception and Apéro


Important: In order to keep an accurate record of our guest list, we kindly ask that you and your fellow invitees register to attend the event on Eventbrite here

Please note that registration is mandatory and is by invitation only, and tickets are free of charge.